Submit Your Uniquely Creative & Short Poems FREE: December 6, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Literal Vomit

Literal Vomit

My mind is open to any suggestions
To get any input would be a blessing

My mind runs around in little circles
Until my face turns three shades of purple

You ever wonder what we’re after?
Life’s an open book, a self writing chapter

Pen to paper faster than a comet
It comes out like literal vomit

Quickly I write, pen in hand
Sometimes “I” often think my writings are bland

But again & again you read the next one
Every single poem , until you’re done

Where does it take you, no one knows
Like lost in a corn field, endless rows

But as long as I write, my mind will stay sane
And for this, I’m grateful, and shall not complain!

By: Gregory Smitheman

Also if you liked my creativeness check out my graphic design portfolio for some of my own awesome graphics designed in Photoshop. 



Where are the soldiers who march in line?
Where are the soldiers every color and kind?
Where are the soldiers who made their moms cry?
Where are the pilots who face death in the sky?

Where are the soldiers born brave of heart?
Where are the girls and boys that part?
Serving our country with their future on the line
Battling the enemies of freedom of mind.

All of us are soldiers with missions of our own
We do what we do as history is sown.
Support our troops who we love and adore
Support our troops with prayers, letters and more.

Where are the soldiers so far, far away?
How many will perish no one can say.
Where are the soldiers we love night and day
Deployed world over to keep evil at bay.

By: Tom Zart 

Also if you liked my creativeness check out my graphic design portfolio for some of my own awesome graphics designed in Photoshop.  

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Self Reflection Poem

A Self Reflection Poem

At times I sit and ponder
And my thoughts begin to wander
I look forward with my eyes to what I see

Brooding thoughts of thunder
My heart begins to wonder
What it is that I’m supposed to be

So, I observe this world around me
And in truth it does confound me
Though my searchings fail to make things any clearer

These eyes that feed perceptions
May be skewed, and need corrections
I imagine as a step up to my mirror

Then a thought did strike upon me!
Realized sweetest irony
That what we see with we can never see

But one may use reflections
Handy tools in soul dissections
To gaze into the gaze that one calls Me

And though the vision may be backward
And its message slightly awkward
It says, “I am what I am meant to be.”

And that will have to be enough.

By Alexander Howe 

Also if you liked my creativeness check out my graphic design portfolio for some of my own awesome graphics designed in Photoshop.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

To Serve, To Protect


They serve to preserve our forefathers dreams,
Prayers, visions and determination.
Risking all in pursuit of fulfillment of duty
To God, freedom, faith, honor and nation.

Despite dismemberment, death and loneliness
Patriots enlist to safeguard our flag.
With honor, faith, purpose and courage
They battle the sadistic that brag.

Throughout man’s past as a creature of earth
War has always plagued his expectance.
Greed, hate, fear, envy and rage
Have overruled rapture and repentance.

David was a soldier who lived by his faith
Which gave him the will to become brave.
He stood up to terror and toppled the giant
Leaving Goliath headless and alone in his grave.

David’s call thrives in hearts of soldiers today
Shielding liberty from the warmongers of hell.
Facing down evil refusing to summit
Ensuring freedom and justice are alive and well.

Those of us blessed by the safety of home
Must remember the sacrifice of the few.
Run up your flag and show your support
For the heroes of the red, white and blue.

By Tom Zart
Most Published Poet
On The Web

Also if you liked my creativeness check out my graphic design portfolio for some of my own awesome graphics designed in Photoshop. 



The Bible is our Lord’s infallible Holy Word
Of supreme authority in one God’s law.
Eternally existing in three persons of faith
The Father, the Son and the Spirit without flaw.

Jesus was conceived by the virgin named Mary
To soldier divine majesty, grace and reward.
He died and rose to be at the right hand of God
As our negotiator and passage to the Lord.

All men are lost and face God’s judgment
Along with their need to heed to the glory of His Son.
Who suffered the cross to save man’s soul
And to put the angles of darkness on the run.

Christ rose from the dead and is coming soon
And we must have concern for the hurts and needs of all.
Dedicating our lives to the service of our Lord
Whose authority and divine rule becomes our call.

We must use every means to spread the promise of grace
Throughout our world of corruption, greed and crime.
God always expects us to overcome our transgressions
Testing our faith and resolve through the passage of time.

By Tom Zart

Also if you liked my creativeness check out my graphic design portfolio for some of my own awesome graphics designed in Photoshop. 

Monday, December 7, 2009



Poets as a rule are high on adventure
Like wondering bards or prophets today.
Embracing hearts and minds with wisdom
Casting through verse their visions at play.

Poets have their dreams and their nightmares
Of love, life, death, faith and war.
They feel the pain and tragedy of others
Even those they’ve never met before.

They fan the flames of human compassion
With their stories of the failings of man.
Professing to follow a higher power
As they recruit whomever they can.

Poets are the bell ringers of the soul
As they depict the past, the present and beyond.
They sound their alarm of what lies ahead
As the missteps of man live on.

By Conservative Poet
Tom Zart
Most Published Poet
On The Web

Also if you liked my creativeness check out my graphic design portfolio for some of my own awesome graphics designed in Photoshop. 

Sunday, December 6, 2009



I fathered babies
and gave them my love,
believing them to be
gifts from above,

receiving in return
wonder and awe,
and glimpsing a heaven
without a flaw

where purity and innocence
blends to mesmerize
with stunning clarity
through big brown eyes

and luminous black pupils,
like mirrors they shine,
capturing without effort
every curious mind,

answering without words
every question we find,
flashing ancient secrets
like a neon sign.

by: Dave Holloway 

Also if you liked my creativeness check out my graphic design portfolio for some of my own awesome graphics designed in Photoshop.


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